Posible condena para Natanael Cano por cuestiones legales relacionadas con el cohecho

Posible condena para Natanael Cano por cuestiones legales relacionadas con el cohecho

Legal Implications for Natanael Cano in Bribery Case

The popular corrido singer Natanael Cano has been linked to a legal process for the crime of bribery.

A judge initiated proceedings against Cano for attempting to bribe officials of the Municipal Police of Hermosillo on March 29th.

These actions took place after Cano was detained for speeding and driving without license plates on his Dodge Charger.

Additional paragraph: The legal implications of bribery charges could have serious consequences for Cano’s career and reputation.

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Could Natanael Cano Face Jail Time for Bribery?

According to the Criminal Code of Sonora, article 185 BIS, bribery is punishable by imprisonment ranging from 3 months to 15 years.

Additionally, a fine of 10 to 300 Units of Measure and Update (UMA) must be paid, equivalent to 1,086 to 32,571 pesos.

The severity of the penalty depends on the amount offered, given, or promised to a public official.

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Additional paragraph: Despite facing potential jail time, Cano has filed a legal injunction to avoid detention, ensuring his freedom during the ongoing legal process.

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